Thursday, September 30, 2010


After a year in elementary, 6 years in primary, 5+2 years in secondary and 4 years in tertiary, I have not face such a fear before.

Shortly 5 month in my postgraduate, it was time for final exam. Some how I grew to have exam phobia. I am not sure if it was due to my lack of confidence or due to the fact that I am going to fail looking at my poor carry mark and my incompetence. My financial status made my scenario worse. If I am to fail, then I will most probably have to quit and repay my company for the sponsor.

Anyway thank god that I have finally finished the 2 papers. I did try my best. Now I can only pray for miracle.


Virus's Life said...

Good Luck Fren....

Virus's Life said...

good luck, my fren

szewan62 said...


~DRagonMoN~ said...

Gambateh ne... dun giv too much pressure to urself lo..