Monday, March 9, 2009

Vote Earth!

I have been hearing a lot about 60 Earth Hour campaign. It is in the hits...Fly FM, facebook, forwarded emails and other group invitations.

Finally I decided to google for this and find out more. I am impressed with the nobble idea. A global vote where people shows their supports and concerned. With the internet, I do hope that this campaign could reach all people and I am here to do my part.

Do join me and billions out there in this vote. Lets vote for earth and against global warming!

For more info, please visit

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The interesting thing about this years campaign is that, as we get into the home stretch with just over two weeks to go, there are over 1,000 cities involved with Earth Hour. Every day it gets more and more momentum. Japan is the only country that hasn't truely got involved - however Tokyo Disneyland are.

This year is different because everyones vote needs to be heard to go towards making a difference at Copenhagen. Everyone needs to join the Vote Earth community (live 13 March) on

To have a look at the campaign material go to: